来源:beat365正版唯一官网 时间:2023-06-12 点击数:
时间:2023年6月14日 星期三 9:00-11:00
报告题目:The s-hamiltonian line graph problem
报告摘要:Thomassen posed the conjecture that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian in 1984. Matthews-Sumner conjectured that every 4-connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian. In 1999, Ryjachek introduced the line graph closure of a claw-free graph and showed that the two conjectures above are equivalent. In 2004, Kuczel and L. Xiong further conjectured that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian-connected, and in 2011, Ryjachek and Vrana conjectured that every 4-connected claw-free graph is hamiltonian connected, and showed that all 4 conjectures presented above are equivalent. All these conjectures are sufficient conditions. In 1987, Broersma and Veldman raised the problem to investigate necessary and sufficient conditions for a line graph to be s-hamiltonian. In this talk, we will present our considerations of seeking necessary and sufficient condition version of the Thomassen conjecture in the format of the s-hamiltonian line graphs and claw-free graphs, and the related developments and progresses.
报告人简介:美国西弗吉尼亚大学数学系终身教授,博士生导师,国际知名的图论专家,主要研究领域包括图论中的欧拉子图、哈密尔顿性问题、整数流以及图论中的染色和连通度问题,出版学术著作两部,发表学术论文250余篇。完成了两部专著:由克鲁亚学术出版社(Kluwer Academic Publishing)出版的“图与组合学中的矩阵论”和由高等教育出版社出版的“拟阵论”。1996年获学院最优科研奖,2006年获学院最优教师奖和全校最优教师奖,成为西弗吉尼亚大学历史上第一个获此荣誉的华裔教授。曾主持过1996年由美国国家自然科学基金会资助的纪念凯特林(Catlin)教授的欧拉图问题专题会议,2008年由美国国家自然科学基金会资助的第46届美国中西部图论会议,以及2018年的第59届美国中西部图论会议。曾任Discrete Mathematics杂志客座编辑,现担任Applied Mathematics和Graphs and Combinatorics等多个杂志的编辑。